Tiffany Snowden

Name: Tiffany Snowden

Company name: In Tides Gone By




When did you start making art with pottery?

I started making art with pottery, sea glass, and other archaeological finds in the summer of 2019. I mainly create framed mosaic pictures and hanging ornaments.

What inspired you to make your first piece?

As a professional archaeologist and avid beachcomber, I've been collecting all sorts since I was young. Eventually, my collection grew so large, I decided to do something with them. After all, many of my finds survived for over 1000 years! They deserved better than to end up in a box in my attic. So, one summer evening, I sat with one of my many craft storage bins and played around until an image started to form and from there, In Tides Gone By was born! :) 

Where do you sell your products?

Etsy, Facebook, and local craft markets in and around Harrogate/Nidderdale! :)  

What do you love most about pottery shards?

I really love being able to date them based on their typology or glaze, as I always try to include this info where possible on the back of my pictures and ornaments. Perhaps my favourite thing though is when you find the perfect piece to fit a picture, which time or nature (or both!) have turned into the exact shape to create something beautiful.  

Where do you make your creations?

While I would love to say I have my own studio, at the moment, it consists of the coffee table, the lamp table, the top of the dog crates, and sometimes the floor! Tiny sea glass chippings can get everywhere :)

Do you make bespoke orders?


I love receiving commissions and creating a unique, one-of-a-kind gift for someone, especially if it's something a bit challenging to create using only sea glass and pottery! 


Rosemary Terribile


Sarah Winfield