Lisa Etling

Company name: San Francisco Sea Glass Jewelry
Instagram: sfseaglassjewelry
Facebook: San Francisco Sea Glass
Etsy: sfseaglassjewelry

When did you start making art with sea glass?
I recently started making jewellery out of sea glass.

What inspired you to make your first piece?
I was inspired on a family trip to Maui over the Christmas holiday 2020 by all of the beautiful sea glass jewelry I saw all across the island. It turns out we have sea glass in California too!

Where do you sell your products?


What do you love most about sea glass?
I love hunting for the glass on the beaches with my dog Gingersnap. It’s very therapeutic looking for the glass on the
pebbly beaches while listening to the waves. Being at the beach is so restorative and peaceful, and finding a beautiful ocean gem feels like winning the lottery.

Where do you make your creations (as in a studio, kitchen table, garden shed)
I am lucky, I have a sun drenched studio off my kitchen that looks out into my backyard garden with a sight line to the hummingbird feeder, finch feeder, fountain and bird bath. So I have something to look at while I’m drilling. We call it the “art room” as it used to hold all my daughters many art supplies. She is 13 now and her art fills the walls. It’s the best spot in the house and my dog sleeps in her bed under the table while I work.

Do you make bespoke orders?
I hope my affordably priced jewellery brings the peace of the ocean to sea glass lovers near and far!! XO’s


Ghislaine Daubney


Olivia Taylor-Davies