Olivia Taylor-Davies

Company name: Reclaimed Minerals
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reclaimed.minerals/
Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/ReclaimedMinerals

When did you start making art with sea glass?

I started making jewellery on the 23rd January 2021 so only a month ago!

What inspired you to make your first piece?
Not being able to get a job to be honest due to the pandemic and being a graduate of 2020. However I love getting my hands on something new and creative as I’m a arty person and I love jewellery but I’m also big on being sustainable and helpful to our planet and it started there.

Where do you sell your products?

What do you love most about sea glass?
I love the colours and shapes how they’re all different and beautiful.

Where do you make your creations (as in a studio, kitchen table, garden shed)?
I make my creations on my kitchen table and often floor 🤣

Do you make bespoke orders?
Yes I do offer that always 🥰


Lisa Etling


Meet the Maker - Archie & Bolt